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Mike takes great pride in his clients. Whether they're training for a 5K or just trying to regain the strength and mobility to walk up a flight of stairs, Mike makes their challenges his own and encourages them every step of the way ... literally.
But don't just take his word for it ...


"When I first started working out, I was going to the gym by myself and doing a few exercises that were not challenging. Personal training changed that. Having appointments to work out and being with Mike pushed me out of my comfort zone and helped me realize I can do more than I thought I could do. Seeing physical results takes a long time, and having someone there to remind me that I am doing well and getting stronger, even though I may not see it, helps keep me motivated. Beyond the aesthetics, personal training has helped me reduce my blood pressure and increase my self-esteem. I feel so much better about myself knowing that, even at my age, with Mike's help, I can achieve those goals that once seemed impossible."

I have trained with Mike for over five years now. Started with 30-minute, once-weekly sessions. Now, I train with Mike for three, hour-long sessions a week!


We focus on strength, and I have not only lost weight, but also have increased energy for my daily activities.


Being a retiree, what I appreciate most about Mike is he will adjust the sessions depending on how I feel and will change his program to accommodate my situation. He motivates me to achieve more than I think I can do.


We have our light moments, but Mike is very serious about his work, and it shows in the positive results I am achieving.







"When I first joined a gym in 2016, I called the equipment 'torture devices.' I had never been to a gym before and started at ground zero. Mike patiently explained how to use free weights and machines, including cardio, and he offered nutrition and supplement advice. His friendly and funny banter made our sessions fly by. With Mike's training, I gained confidence to bang out a workout in any gym, anywhere. His repeated use of terms like "time under tension" stay with me to this day. I recommend Mike to anyone from the beginner to the advanced lifter. If only I can convince him to wrestle."

"I was referred to Michael through a friend during the pandemic, when I could not go into the gym. He has challenged me in ways I was unable to do myself, and I have met both weight loss and strength goals. I was initially skeptical as to whether I’d have a challenging workout virtually, but I quickly determined that my thinking was wrong. Michael is wonderful and knowledgeable, and is able to help navigate injuries with age-appropriate exercises. I work out with Michael twice a week now, and I am in better shape and stronger than I have ever been! I highly recommend Michael as a personal trainer!"





"Working with Mike has been a life-changing experience for me. At 68 years old and living with Type 2 diabetes, I was skeptical about how much I could improve my health and fitness. However, under Mike's guidance, I've achieved remarkable results. Through a combination of tailored exercise routines and general nutritional advice, Mike has shown me how diet and exercise can significantly impact my condition.

Thanks to Mike's expertise and unwavering support, I'm now stronger and faster than I've been in years, and my mind is clearer than ever. His perfect balance of belief in my abilities and his ability to push me beyond my perceived limits have been truly transformative. Mike has taught me the importance of putting myself first and has empowered me to prioritize my health and well-being. His encouragement and guidance have helped me realize that it's never too late to make positive changes in my life."

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"I started working out with Mike during the pandemic. My regular gym was closed, my daughters were two and six years old, and I was still struggling to return to my pre-baby fitness. Mike worked with my schedule and my goals to help me build the muscle I needed to more effectively lose the baby weight.  In preparation for a surgery I underwent in March 2023, Mike focused on "pre-habbing" so that my muscle and endurance loss would not be as significant during eight weeks of recovery. I went into surgery strong and prepared, recovered quickly (no doubt thanks to Mike's methodic training), and I'm now stronger and healthier than I've felt in years. Thanks Mike!"


“My bestie Janice (J-Nice) told me about Mike and that I needed to give him a try. I was skeptical at first as I've had personal trainers for many years. After having my first session with Mike, I was sold. He is very personable and really cares about his clients. The funny thing is, he's fun and engaging. Mike is not the typical personal trainer/drill sergeant. He truly sees his clients as individuals needing his services. Mike really wants us to be transformed threefold — mind, body and spirit.”

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"Michael has been a fantastic trainer. I’m a busy physician with a busy family life, and he always finds a way to help me squeeze in a great workout. I’ve had a spine issue, shoulder problem, and other ailments over the years, and instead of getting demoralized that I have to miss working out, he is able to come up with workouts I can do. He is very knowledgeable about anatomy and physiology. He knows when it’s safe to push further and when to back off. Sometimes a workout could more likely resemble rehab or PT, or focus on stretching, and I know if I stick with it, he’ll get me back on track to more robust workouts soon enough. If I could only hire him to stand in my kitchen after 8 p.m. and keep me from snacking ..."



Mike works with everyone. Whether you're 18 or 88, a beginner or a pro, Mike will create a workout plan to suit your specific needs.


And, with your permission, he'll collaborate with your doctor, chiropractor, physical therapist, dietician, et al., to develop a fitness regimen that is safe for you.

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